Month 3 Activities (vol.1)
- Activity Title
- ?
Topic or Theme
Identifying letters in a child's name and listen to ABC (The Alphabet Song)
First Name
Brief description of activity or summary of tasks and/or materials used.
- Name Activity
- 1
First Name
Finding and cutting out letters
First Name
Finding and cutting out letters
- Shapes
- 2
Review Circle and Square
Review Circle and Square
- Shapes
- 3
Review Circle and Square
Using target word while reviewing shapes
Review Circle and Square
Using target word while reviewing shapes
- Letters
- 4
C & R
Reading book "The Alphabet Book", learn about letter C, find a picture of animal beginning with C and learn about the animal caraval
C & R
Reading book "The Alphabet Book", learn about letter C, find a picture of animal beginning with C and learn about the animal caraval
- Letters
- 5
C & R
Learn about letter R, find a picture of an animal beginning with R, watch an "R" animal in action
C & R
Learn about letter R, find a picture of an animal beginning with R, watch an "R" animal in action
- Numbers
- 6
Introducing #3
The song "Three Little Birds" helps with learning number three and a calendar activity
Introducing #3
The song "Three Little Birds" helps with learning number three and a calendar activity
- Numbers
- 7
Reinforcing #3
Using coins for counting skills and pattern making
Reinforcing #3
Using coins for counting skills and pattern making
- Colors
- 8
Teaching table manners while reinforcing color red
Teaching table manners while reinforcing color red
- Colors
- 9
Art activity using color red and #3
Art activity using color red and #3
- Senses
- 10
Fun smell game with cotton balls
Fun smell game with cotton balls
- Senses
- 11
Reinforcing color red & number three while making a creative drawing
Reinforcing color red & number three while making a creative drawing
- Character Traits
- 12
Reading book "Do Onto Otters: A Book About Manners" and learning good table manners
Reading book "Do Onto Otters: A Book About Manners" and learning good table manners
- Character Traits
- 13
Reading book "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" and emphasizing verbal manners
Reading book "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" and emphasizing verbal manners
- Target Words
- 14
On, Top, High, Low
Using target words with color red
On, Top, High, Low
Using target words with color red
- Target Words
- 15
On, Top, High, Low
Using song "Clap Your Hands Now" to follow directions and reinforcing target words high and low
On, Top, High, Low
Using song "Clap Your Hands Now" to follow directions and reinforcing target words high and low
- Cooking
- 16
Monkey Bread
Using baking to reinforce skills
Monkey Bread
Using baking to reinforce skills
- Cooking
- 17
“C” Treats
A snack break using the letter C, counting skills and color red
“C” Treats
A snack break using the letter C, counting skills and color red
- Art
- 18
Listening to song "Race: The Final Starlight Express" and painting
Listening to song "Race: The Final Starlight Express" and painting
- Art
- 19
Making a Stop Sign
Measuring and cutting to make octagon
Making a Stop Sign
Measuring and cutting to make octagon
- Physical Activity
- 20
Simon Says (Gross Motor)
Play game "Simon Says" to reinforce word stop
Simon Says (Gross Motor)
Play game "Simon Says" to reinforce word stop
- Physical Activity
- 21
"One Hammer" Fingerplay (Fine Motor)
Using a fingerplay for active play
"One Hammer" Fingerplay (Fine Motor)
Using a fingerplay for active play
- Nature/Science
- 22
Nature Tic-Tac-Toe
Playing game "tic-tac-toe" with items from nature
Nature Tic-Tac-Toe
Playing game "tic-tac-toe" with items from nature
- Nature/Science
- 23
Growing a Plant
Learning about plants by growing a sweet potato vine
Growing a Plant
Learning about plants by growing a sweet potato vine
- Lifeskills
- 24
Clearing/Setting Table
Learn how to set a table
Clearing/Setting Table
Learn how to set a table
- Lifeskills
- 25
Clearing/Setting Table
Teaching how to clear table, learning about "left" side, and using target word top
Clearing/Setting Table
Teaching how to clear table, learning about "left" side, and using target word top
- Surprise
- 26
Color Fingerplay
Memorization of "Way Up High In The Apple Tree" and target word high
Color Fingerplay
Memorization of "Way Up High In The Apple Tree" and target word high
Curriculum Plan Resources
Skills Focus
- Shape - Circle, Square
- Color - Red
- Number - Three, 3
- Alphabet Letters - C, R
- Senses - Smell
- Character Trait - Manners
- Target Words - On, Top, High, Low
Monthly Proverb
Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have them do to you
Did You Know?
“The human brain is 90% developed by age 5." Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
Books to Read
"Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners"
by Laurie Kelly (Activity 12)
"The Alphabet Book"
by P.D. Eastman (Activity 4)
"Goldilocks and the Three Bears"
by Jim Aylesworth (Activity 13)
"The Alphabet Book". VIDEO
by P.D. Eastman (Activity 4)
"Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners" VIDEO
by Laurie Kelly (Activity 12)
"Goldilocks and the Three Bears" VIDEO
by Jan Brett (Activity 13)
Music Playlist
"Three Little Birds"
by Bob Marley Album Legend (Reggae) (Activity 6)
"Race: The Final Starlight Express"
Album Starlight Express Original Cast (Broadway - Pop) (Activity 18)
"Clap Your Hands Now"
by Pam Donkin Album A Hop, Skip, and a Jump (Children) (Activity 15)
"Three Little Birds" VIDEO
by Bob Marley (Activity 6)
"Clap Your Hands Now" VIDEO
by Pam Donkin (Activity 15)
"Race: The Final Starlight Express" VIDEO
by Starlight Express Original Cast (Activity 18)
Monthly Materials List
Click Here to view the list!
Fingerplay / Poems / Songs
Way Up High In An Apple Tree
(Activity 26 Month 3)
Way up high in the apple tree
Two little apples smiled at me
I shook that tree as hard as I could
Down came the apples
Mmmmmm they were good.
Peter (child’s name) Uses One Hammer
(Activity 21 Month 3)
Peter (use child’s name) hammers with one hammer one hammer one hammer
Peter hammers with one hammer all day long (tap fist on the floor)
Pater hammers with two hammers, two hammers two hammers (tap other fist too) Peter hammers with two hammers all day long.
Peter hammers with three hammers, three hammers three hammers (add one foot) Peter hammers with three hammers all day long.
Peter hammers with four hammers four hammers four hammers (tap other foot too along with fists) Peter hammers with four hammers all day long.
Peter hammers with five hammers five hammers five hammers (use your head) Peter hammers with five hammers And then he goes to sleep!