
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

If Not You, Who? Blog

January 2015

Does Your Preschooler Have Manners?

Does Your Preschooler Have Manners?

Wouldn't it be nice if good manners came naturally to children? Unfortunately, they do not! Good manners need to be taught, explained and reinforced over and over. While it is never too early for adults to role model positive behavior, there are a variety of areas in our lives that can include good manners. When to teach your child how to behave in these situations and using their manners, will vary depending on their age and development. “Please”, “Thank you” and… continue reading

May 2015

Teaching a Child vs. Letting Them Explore

Teaching a Child vs. Letting Them Explore

There are many times when it is easier and faster for adults to jump in and help a child get something done, even during play time. Showing children where a puzzle piece fits, how to dress a doll properly, or how to make noise with a musical instrument, might seem helpful to most, but can showing children how to use toys actually be harmful? While there are very important and specific times that an adult should direct and educate a child on how to do something, there are also times where it is… continue reading

July 2015

Help Children Beat the Heat!

Help Children Beat the Heat!

Is your family feeling the summer heat? With a lot of the United States sweltering in summer heat, it’s important for adults to be knowledgeable of the impact heat can have on children. It’s also important to be educated and prepared on how to deal with possible problems that may occur due to intense heat. When heat and humidity reach abnormally high numbers for an area, often heat advisories will be put in effect by local meteorologists. Usually you’ll hear them ask everyone… continue reading

September 2015

Teaching Preschoolers Empathy

Teaching Preschoolers Empathy

Kids say the darndest things! We have all experienced the pure innocence and honesty of a child. “ Mommy, your teeth look yellow” or  “Daddy, your nose is big.” Maybe you’ve experienced what’s even more humiliating ... your child’s sharing their innocent, honest and totally inappropriate thoughts to a stranger. Or, maybe your child isn’t the “verbal” type and these examples don’t sound familiar. Lucky you! But, what about… continue reading

Building Responsibility in Preschoolers

Building Responsibility in Preschoolers

How do you divide the chores and household responsibilities in your home? Maybe you have a “chore wheel”, or perhaps the chores rotate daily to fend off boredom, or maybe, just maybe, Mom and Dad do all the work. Children beginning at two years old are capable of handling responsibilities and should begin having some age appropriate ones around the house. Responsibilities help children in a variety of ways. They develop social and emotional skills, gain a sense of… continue reading

October 2015

Technology Hindering Children’s Fine Motor Development?

Technology Hindering Children’s Fine Motor Development?

Does technology consume your child’s play time? Unfortunately, many of us are guilty of using I-Pad and I-Phone Applications (apps), video, and computer games as well as hand held “learning” games to keep our children occupied at certain times, and simply quiet during other times!  Now, we are not saying children shouldn’t use technology. In fact, we know plenty of applications and computer games that are quite educational and definitely can have a place in your… continue reading