
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.


Reviewing letters and sounds of  A and E and the color yellow

Month 1 · Activity 9 ·   Colors  


  • Again, you will need a snack size of vanilla (yellow) pudding
  • Smooth the pudding on the plate and put an apple at the top of the plate. Ask the child to write in the pudding the letter that makes the beginning sound in apple. (A)
  • Hold up one finger and ask the child to draw the correct number of fingers in the pudding.
  • Remove the apple and place an egg at the top of the plate. Ask the child to write in the pudding the letter that makes the beginning sound in egg (E)
  • Ask the child  to write the first letter of his name in the pudding
  • Have the adult write the word yellow in the pudding - saying aloud each letter as it is written
  • Ask the child to take one lick of  yellow pudding from his finger


Have an adult write the A, E, and 1 in the pudding and let the child trace over the lines. Say the sound of the letters and let the child repeat the sounds.


Have the child write a word in the pudding that begins with the sound of  A. (at, and, ate, as, etc.)

Encourage the child to write his name in the pudding.



What is the first sound you hear in the word apple?

Can you name the ingredients that are in the pudding?

What do you look forward to doing when you wake up?

Activity Resources

  • Language Skills
  • Math & Science Skills
  • Motor Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills