
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

Letters H and P

Writing the letters H and P;  Learning about animal names that begin with H and P and watching a video about a harbor seal and a pika

Month 8 · Activity 4 ·   Letters  


  • You will need two small blank envelopes
  • Practice writing the letter H and reviewing the sound of H using a chalkboard, paper or whiteboard
  • After the child has practiced, encourage the child to write the letter H on a small envelope. Save to use for Activity 5 Month 8.
  • Practice writing the letter P and reviewing the sound of P using a chalkboard, paper and/or whiteboard
  • After the child has practiced, encourage the child to write the letter P on a small envelope. Save to use for Activity 5 Month 8.
  • Ask the child to think of an animal that begins with H - hamster, hippopotamus, hyena, etc.
  • Find a picture of an animal beginning with H and put into a binder (Easy way to find pictures is to type “Free pictures of animals” in an internet search engine)
  • Watch a harbor seal move here
  • Ask the child to think of an animal that begins with P  (porcupine, pig, pony, etc.)
  • Find a picture of an animal beginning with P and put into the binder
  • Watch how a pika lives in the rocks here


*Old magazine or newspapers are a great alternative to finding pictures on the internet


The child can draw an animal that begins with the letter P or H. Make the letter P and H using dots for a child to connect if it is difficult for the child to print their own letters.

Watch this video to learn about the letter H


Make up a silly sentence filled with "H" words.  For example, "Hamsters have heavy hair."

Try making up silly sentences using "P" words. "Please pass potato plants."



If you were a teacher and could teach your students anything, what would you teach them?

What is a memory that makes you happy?


  • 3-ring binder (began animal binder Month 1 Activity 5)
  • 2 small envelopes (used or new)
  • whiteboard/chalkboard/paper
  •  internet access or old magazines
  • Language Skills
  • Math & Science Skills
  • Motor Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills