Painted Toast
Painting bread with milk and food coloring
Month 10 · Activity 17 · Cooking
- This ia a great activity to try at breakfast
- You will need slices of white (sourdough, Italian, etc.) bread and a small amount of milk to use as “paint”, clean paintbrush (Q-tip, etc.) and food coloring
- Use plain white milk to paint one piece of bread
- Add food coloring to small amounts of milk and use the paintbrush or swabs to “paint” a different slice of bread
- After the bread is “painted” toast both slices of the bread
- Ask child if the painted colored bread tastes different than the bread painted white
This can be a way to discuss how just because an item looks different, (painted toast) it can still be the same in taste. Red hair or brown hair is still "hair"; brown skin, white skin, wrinkled skin or smooth skin on our bodies still makes us human, etc.
- slices of white bread
- small amount of milk
- kitchen "paintbrush" or Q-tips
- food coloring
- toaster
Language Skills
Math & Science Skills
Motor Skills
Problem Solving Skills