
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.


Sing " Old MacDonald Had A Farm" and create a child's own "megaphone" 

Month 8 · Activity 10 ·   Senses  



  • Use the empty paper towel roll from Month 8 Activity 21  - this will be the child's "megaphone" or use any empty toilet or paper towel roll
  • Play an echo game.  You say a letter name and child says letter name through the megaphone.  Use all the letters you have introduced: A, E, O, U, B, F, C, R, D, M, G, S, V, H, and P.  
  • Next play echo game using letter sounds. You say a letter sound and the child says letter sound through the megaphone. Use short vowel sounds - A, E, O, U and B, F, C, R, D, M, G, S, V, H, and P 
  • Finally, try saying a letter name and let child respond with letter sound through the megaphone -  A, E, O, U and B, F, C, R, D, M, G, S, V, H, and P 
  • Let the child repeat each phrase into the megaphone...
  • This is my speaking voice. (child speaks normally)  
  • This is my quiet voice. (spoken in a whisper)  
  • This is my loud voice (spoken loud or as a yell)  
  • This is my singing voice (sung)


When playing the echo game, the adult can make the echo with the child. For example, the adult will say the sound of short "a", and then the child and adult echo with the sound of short "a" together. Proceed with all the sounds.  Next, echo all the names of the letters. 


If the child can recite letter sounds and names, point silently to a letter on an alphabet chart (or just write a letter on a piece of paper) and ask the child to tell you the letter name and its sound. If you are following INYW? each month these are the sounds we have reviewed: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,m,o,p,r,s,u,v,y


Would you like to live on a farm and can you tell me why?

What do you want for your birthday this year?


  • Language Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills