
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

Show #14: Fall Books & Activities

1. “A Tale of Two Beasts” by Fiona Roberton

When a little girl rescues a strange beast from the woods, she takes him home. But for some reason, the little beast is not happy! There are two sides to every story, and this funny and charming tale is no exception. Fiona Roberton offers both points of view in this discussion-starting tale of the importance of seeing the world in different ways

Extension Activity: 

Have children create their own story with two perspectives. Older children could write their story themselves, younger children could verbalize it to the adult. 

Ask child to think of a situation in his or her own life that presented a problematic encounter with a friend or adult. Encourage them to tell of the event (a situation on the playground, school, or home) that made them unhappy, mad, or embarrassed.  Try to let them see both sides of the event from each person’s perspective to help them learn empathy, understanding and problem solving.

2. “Secrets of the Apple Tree, Shine-A-Light Book” by Kane Miller

Explore a tree up close and you will find a small world filled with great surprises! From worms wriggling among the roots, to birds nesting high in the branches, the hidden wonders of this amazing habitat are revealed when the page is held up to a light.

 Extension Activity: 

1) Do your own apple picking at a near by apple orchard! Look and touch the tree – the leaves, bark, and fruit.

 2) Head to the grocery store and let your child pick out their own apple for a healthy snack. Talk to them about the different colors, textures and flavors. Have a taste test with a few different types of apples.  Finally, cut open the apple horizontally across the middle and you will see a star with the seeds. 

3. “1001 Things to Spot on the Farm” Usborne Books

This charming picture book shows scenes from farms around the world, and on every page, there are dozens of things to spot. The detailed pictures provide hours of looking and talking, and dedicated spotters will be unable to put the book down until they have found all the water buffaloes in the rice fields, the cocoa pods on the tropical farm, or eight lambs on the sheep farm. Counting sheep has never been so much fun!

 Extension Activity:

Bring the book with you in the car and have you child find what they “spot in the book” out the window! They will be amazed how many things from the book they find within their own world. 

Create your own Things to Spot page. Use a sheet of paper and crayons or markers and have your child create their own Things to Spot page or book! Suggest they draw their house, playroom, or favorite place to play like a park or zoo and place special things to spot in their picture.