Review of Colors
Singing and finding the right color of clothing game
Month 8 · Activity 9 · Colors
- Using the bag of clothing from Month 8 Activity 8, make a list of what color each piece of clothing is in the bag - red shirt, green pants, orange shirt, etc. for the adult to use as a guide
- Sing the following words to the tune of "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
"Skylar (name of child) has a red shirt on, red shirt on, red shirt on
Skylar has a red shirt on I see him/her smile today."
- Let the child find the article of clothing in the bag that matches the color in the song. When the correct piece of clothing is found, everyone gives a big clap.
- Once the item is selected, remove that item of clothing from the bag
- Repeat a verse for each color until all the items are chosen
For a young child place two of the colored items in the bag at a time to make it easier for a child to choose. For example, a red shirt and green pants are in the bag. Ask the child to find the green pants. When the green pants are correctly selected and removed, add one more item like the orange shirt. Continue until all six of the items are selected always keeping only two items at a time in the bag.
Instead of removing the item of clothing after you sing the song and select from the bag, place the item back in the bag. This will help to reinforce how to make a correct color choice from a group of items.
What color is your favorite item of clothing to wear and why?
Do you like it when other people share with you? Why?
- bag of clothing from Month 8 Activity 8
- piece of paper
- pen
Language Skills
Math & Science Skills
Motor Skills
Problem Solving Skills