Relating color to specific objects with use of jellybeans
Month 12 · Activity 8 · Colors
- Have an assortment of jelly beans in a bowl in front of child
- Ask child to select the following:
- Select a bean the color of the sun. Name the color (answer yellow)
- Select a bean the color of grass. Name the color (answer green)
- Select a bean the color of the sky. Name the color (answer blue)
- Select a bean the color of a cotton ball. Name the color (answer white)
- Select a bean the color of your lips. Name the color (answer red)
- Select a bean the color of an orange. Name the color (answer orange)
- Select a bean the color of a crow. Name the color (answer black)
- Select a bean the color of an elephant. Name the color (answer grey)
- Select a bean the color of a pinecone. Name the color (answer brown)
- Select a bean the color of an eggplant. Name the color ( answer violet)
When child has finished activity, let child pick a jellybean and tell you something that is that color. Child chooses a yellow jellybean and says a dandelion is yellow. Continue until all the jellybeans are used.
- assortment of jellybeans
- bowl
Language Skills
Motor Skills
Problem Solving Skills