
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

Introducing #7

Recognizing numbers 1-7

Month 9 · Activity 6 ·   Numbers  


  • On a whiteboard/chalkboard write the numbers 1-7
  • Have a bowl of ten objects (jellybeans, pennies, crackers, etc.)
  • Silently, place six jellybeans on a table and let child count the jellybeans aloud
  • When the child correctly touches and counts the six jellybeans, let child erase the numeral 6 on the board
  • Repeat by placing three jellybeans on a table.  Again, let the child touch and count aloud the number of jellybeans and erase the numeral 3 on the board
  • Continue until all the numbers have been erased


Count aloud with the child while he touches and counts each of the jellybeans.


After doing the activity, here is a way to change it and make it more difficult.  This time have no numerals written on the whiteboard.  Place any number (between 1 and 7) of jellybeans in front of the child.  Ask the child to count aloud the number of jellybeans and have the child write that number on the whiteboard.  For example, place 4 jellybeans on the table, and child counts the number of jellybeans and writes 4 on the whiteboard.  Next, use a different number of jellybeans, 6, and let the child count the jellybeans aloud and write the numeral 6 on the whiteboard.  Continue until the child has counted and written all of the numbers from 1 to  7.


Can you find and count 7 black items in this room?

If you could have seven of anything you wanted, what would that be and why?


  • whiteboard/chalkboard
  • whiteboard markers/chalk
  • bowl
  • 10 small objects (jellybeans, pennies, crackers, erasers, etc.)
  • Language Skills
  • Math & Science Skills
  • Motor Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills