
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

D & M

Matching food and sounds

Month 4 · Activity 5 ·   Letters  


  • Place these five foods on a table - apple, banana, egg, date, and milk (you can choose other foods that begin with a, b, d, e, and m  (avocado, blueberries, doughnut, edamame, melon, etc.)
  • Ask the child to point to one of the five foods and say what the first letter is of each food. Also, have the child make the sound of the first letter
  • Next, have an adult make one of the beginning sounds (b) and ask child to point to that food. (banana)  Repeat with the other four foods


Have an adult point to each of the five foods and say letter names and sounds.  Let the child repeat aloud after each letter and sound is said.


After child can say the letter sound for each food, help them put the food in order to spell a word. For example, to spell/hear the word - mad - place milk, apple and date in order.  Try the word - bed - by placing banana, egg, and date in order. Other words to try: bad, dam, dab


Can you tell me what you think makes a good parent?

What makes a food healthy for your body?


Choose five foods that begin with the letters a, b, d, e, and m

  • apple (applesauce, avocado, asparagus, almonds, acorn squash, apricot)
  • banana (bread, butter, biscuit, broccoli, beans, bacon, buns)
  • date (Doritos, doughnuts, dill, dumpling)
  • egg (enchilada, edamame, English muffin, eggplant)
  • milk (melon, marshmallow, mango, macaroni, mustard, mushroom)
  • Language Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills