B & F
Practicing letter name and sound of F while using color blue
Month 2 · Activity 5 · Letters
- Teach child letter tracing
- Write the letter F in the air with your finger
- Write the letter F with pencil on a piece of paper
- Child traces with finger saying letter name and sound
- Next, use a blue crayon and trace over letter F saying letter name and sound
- Finally, use a blue marker to trace over F again saying letter name and sound
- Repeat this 2 or 3 times making new letter F’s
Have child place hand on adult's hand while tracing letter "F" with finger, blue crayon, and blue marker
Set out a variety of colored crayons and markers and ask the child to make "F" in different colors. Encourage the child to choose a red, purple, green, etc. crayon and marker to make an "F"
Can you think of an animal name that begins with the sound of "F"?
Can you tell me something funny that happened to you today?
- paper
- pencil
- blue crayon
- blue marker
Language Skills
Motor Skills