
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.


A shape scavenger hunt

Month 6 · Activity 2 ·   Shapes  


  • Using colored paper cut out each of the following 4 shapes - rectangle, triangle, circle, square
  • Cut out each shape in these 5 colors -  orange, red, blue, green and yellow (20 total)
  • An adult should hide the shapes in a room, throughout the house or outside
  • Ask the child to find a red rectangle
  • When the child returns with a red rectangle give another shape and color to find
  • Continue until all 20 shapes are found


If a child doesn't understand what to look for if you say "Find a red rectangle" hold up an example of a rectangle for him to find.  Keep one paper of each shape to use for examples and hide the remaining 16 shapes or fewer.  If they are unsure of colors, hold up an appropriate crayon to show the color.

Watch this video to review the shape of a triangle


Children like to switch roles with this activity.  Let the child hide the shapes and tell you what color and shape to find.  Let the child keep track of the shapes and colors you have found. 

Encourage a child to use the shapes afterward to create a design


If you could live in a shape house, what shape would it be and why?

What character in a book makes you laugh?


  • orange, red, blue, green, and yellow paper
  • scissors 
  • here is a shape template for rectangle, triangle, circle, and square
  • Language Skills
  • Math & Science Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills