
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

Fingerplay "Five Little Ducks" 

Act out Five Little Ducks

Month 6 · Activity 26 ·   Surprise  



Five little ducks Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother Duck said “Quack, quack, quack quack”
But only four little ducks came back.


Four little ducks Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother Duck said “Quack, quack, quack quack”
But only three little ducks came back.


Three little ducks Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother Duck said “Quack, quack, quack quack”
But only two little ducks came back.


Two little ducks Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother Duck said “Quack, quack, quack quack”
But only one little duck came back.


One little duck Went out one day 
Over the hill and far away
Mother Duck said “Quack, quack, quack quack”
But none of the five little ducks came back.


Sad Mother Duck Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
The sad Mother Duck said
And all of the five little ducks came back. 


Copy fingerplay onto an index card and keep ready to use at home, in the classroom, or in the car.


Memorizing is an important skill and using fingerplays to help build this skill is important. Encourage a child to "perform" a fingerplay after dinner or before bedtime for the family.


Can you name five friends you would like to play with outside? 

What makes your friends so awesome?


  • Language Skills
  • Motor Skills
  • On the Go Activity