Brushing Teeth
Brushing your teeth is fun
Month 9 · Activity 24 · Lifeskills
- Making toothbrushing a fun activity from the beginning will help a child develop a good attitude toward this habit
- Invite child to watch you brush your teeth - let them get up close!!!
- Invite child to brush your teeth
- Put only a pea size amount of toothpaste on brush. Adult brushes child teeth while counting to 10 then let child brush his own teeth while you count to 10. Keep trading turns until all teeth have been cleaned which takes two minutes.
- Teach child from beginning to “spit” out the toothpaste and rinse mouth so fluorosis - spots on teeth won’t happen. Spitting can be the most FUN.
Review with child what a doctor does...a person specially trained in school who helps to keep you well and aids you when you are sick. There are special doctors who learn about certain parts of the body and how to keep them well. A dentist is a doctor who helps us to take care of our teeth. Ask child to think of ways they can keep their teeth healthy - brushing, eating healthy foods, etc.
Click here to watch video about brushing teeth
Write the word 'dentist' on a sheet of paper. Ask child to cross out each of the letters in the word as you say a letter aloud...Cross out the letter "e" in dentist, cross out the letter "i" in dentist, cross out the letter "t" in dentist (do you see two letter "t's"?) etc.
Why is it important to brush your teeth?
Can you name three animals with teeth?
- child's toothbrush
- adult's toothbrush
- toothpaste appropriate for child use
- paper and pencil (optional)
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