Building with Marshmallows
Using marshmallows to explore building skills
Month 8 · Activity 23 · Nature/Science
- Gather around 20 marshmallows (large, regular, and miniature) and 20 toothpicks
- Share together how you can build a structure
- Experiment with making shapes and putting together to make a “building”
- If possible look at the “beams” in a real building and share that the toothpicks are like the beams that help to hold a building together
Use large marshmallows and plastic/wooden skewers for easier handling.
Chat about being a construction worker and the types of jobs the worker would do.
Click here for a template of shapes for a child to build
Challenge a child to make different structures.
For example, can you make a shape with the marshmallows? can you make a building? can you make a letter of the alphabet? can you make a tall structure? can you create a long structure? etc.
If you could be a building, what type of building would you like to be and why?
What can you do to help build a strong body?
- 20 marshmallows (large, regular and small); can use grapes or jellybeans
- 20 or more toothpicks
- Language Skills
- Math & Science Skills
- Motor Skills
- Problem Solving Skills