Animals and the ABC's
Month 12 · Activity 22 · Nature/Science
- Gather your alphabet binder of pictures of animals
- Remove all of the animal/bird pictures and place on table
- Ask child to sort and tell you about the animals.
For example:
- Select the animals that live on a farm
- Select animals that have four legs
- Find an animal whose name begins with M
- Find an animal whose name begins with G
- Select all the animals that child has seen in person
- Find an animal that is smaller than the child
- Find an animal that is larger than the child
- Put all the animals into alphabetical order (find an animal that begins with A, etc.) and place back into the binder
Instead of using all of the alphabet animals, select only five pictures that will fit the questions and ask child to locate the correct animal. For example, make sure you use the animal for letter M and G, have an animal that lives on a farm, an animal with four legs, etc.
- If NotYou,Who? alphabet binder with animal pictures
Language Skills
Math & Science Skills
Problem Solving Skills