Team Bean Bag Catch (Fine Motor)
Bean bag toss with partner
Month 9 · Activity 21 · Physical Activity
- Stand about 3 feet away from each other with a bean bag from Activity 20 Month 9 in each of your hands
- Together count aloud to 7 - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
- When 7 is said, toss your beanbag to your partner and catch the incoming beanbag
- The goal is to each throw the beanbag at the same time while catching the tossed beanbag
- Adjust the distance between partners to be successful and also the type of throwing - underhand or overhand
- Practice for at least 7 throws
Begin with using only one beanbag to toss back and forth
Encourage child to do the counting one to seven. Ask him to mix up how he counts by saying the numbers slow and very quickly. Challenge him to count backwards seven to one before throwing the beanbags
What does being on a team mean to you?
How did you feel when you were selected to be on a team?
- beanbags from Activity 20 Month 9
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Motor Skills
Social Skills
Problem Solving Skills