
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

Throwing and grasping objects  (Fine motor)

Developing throwing skills while practicing shape recognition

Month 5 · Activity 21 · Physical Activity  


  • Draw “targets” with a child on a sidewalk/pavement with chalk
  • Draw a large square, circle, triangle, rectangle
  • Leave lots of space between these “shape targets”
  • Give a child a beanbag and ask him to throw at the targets
  • Throw beanbag to land in square
  • Throw beanbag to land next to the rectangle
  • Throw beanbag to land on a circle, etc.
  • See if the child can throw underhand and overhand

* Can make the target shapes indoors with duct tape


Adjust the size of targets and distances to throw for the child to be successful.  For example, make a very large circle and have the child stand very close with a beanbag to throw at the circle target.


Encourage the child to throw at a target while throwing under their leg, OR when standing backwards, OR by placing beanbag on the head and tossing at target shape.  This can be such a fun and silly learning opportunity.

To add some math skills, place a number on each shape.

Square - 1; Circle - 2; Triangle - 3; Rectangle - 4. Throw the beanbag 5 times and see who can add up the most points. 


Can you tell me what sports are played where knowing how to throw is important?

Do you think you are a better artist or athlete?


  • sidewalk/pavement
  • chalk
  • beanbag (make your own beanbag by putting beans/rice/birdseed into a ziplock sandwich bag that is closed with duct tape and then place in an old sock. Fold the top of the sock over the bag to make a beanbag)
  • Math & Science Skills
  • Motor Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills