Making Faces
Facial features and shapes activity
Month 10 · Activity 19 · Art
- Chat and check out faces in magazines or real people. Are faces round or oval?
- Using a sheet of white paper draw eight large oval shapes with crayons
- Ask child to draw with a crayon on the first oval the feature on a face they use to see (eyes)
- On the second oval draw feature they use to smell (nose)
- On the third oval draw a feature for hearing (ears)
- On the fourth oval draw a feature for tasting (mouth)
- Encourage child to finish the four faces with hair, eyebrows, etc.
- On the next four ovals let child tell you what features to draw on each face and together finish the faces
Play a game of tic-tac-toe by having one player use a circle for his mark and the other player using an oval for his mark. Pay attention to the difference in the shapes while drawing the marks when playing the game. A fun way to notice the importance of attention to details - in this case the difference between a circle and an oval
- large sheet of white paper (or multiple smaller sheets of white paper)
- crayons
- magazines (optional)
Language Skills
Math & Science Skills
Motor Skills
Problem Solving Skills