Fast, Front, Sort, Same
A sorting activity
Month 11 · Activity 15 · Target Words
- Place a handful of coins on the table including pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and half dollars and silver dollars if available
- Select one coin - dime and ask child to find the same coin
- Continue asking child to find a matching same coin for each of the coins. Chat about why a coin is the same - color, size, feel, etc.
- Next, have the child sort the coins by type - put all the dimes together, pennies, etc.
- Put a handful of crayons on the table and have child sort by color
Instead of using five or six coins, select only two types of coins. For example, select three pennies and three dimes and hold up one penny and ask child to find a coin that is the same. Next, hold up a dime and let child find a coin that is the same. Let child sort the coins into two piles. Now you can add a third coin, perhaps three nickels, and have child again find a coin that matches a nickel and sort the mixed up coins into three piles. Continue to add more types of coins until all six coins are part of the mix.
Introduce the value of each coin - penny = 1 cent; nickel = 5 cents; dime = 10 cents; quarter = 25 cents; half dollar = 50 cents; silver dollar = 100 cents. Ask child to place a handful of coins in order in a line from smallest value to largest value. Sort all the coins by making 6 piles of coins that are the same and have child name the coins and its value.
- assorted coins
- assorted crayons
Language Skills
Math & Science Skills
Motor Skills
Problem Solving Skills