Memorizing a “kindness” fingerplay
Month 1 · Activity 13 · Character Traits
Be Kind
5 little children
Standing in a row ( hold up 5 fingers)
They are kind to others
Everywhere they go. (walk hand in front of the body)
I am one of the children (point to self)
Standing in a row (hold up 5 fingers)
I'll be kind to others (point to self)
Wherever I go. (walk hand in front of the body)
- This fingerplay works as a reminder to a child to be kind in any situation- without saying a word. Just walk hand in front of body to silently signal a child to remember to be kind or use sign language for the word ‘kind’.
Stand right next to child and say fingerplay with actions while child repeats each line. Do one line at a time allowing child to repeat the line, then two lines, next three lines until all 8 lines are repeated.
Have the child completely memorize the fingerplay
Watch video "Kindness Counts"
How many children were standing in a row in the fingerplay?
How many "kind" actions should you do each day?
What is the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?
- none
Activity Resources
Language Skills
Motor Skills
Social Skills
Problem Solving Skills
On the Go Activity