
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.


Exploring sense of touch

Month 7 · Activity 10 ·   Senses  


  • Place child’s finger in a glass of cold water and then in a glass of hot (not too hot) water
  • Mix glasses up with child’s eyes closed and let them place a finger in each glass and say hot or cold
  • Give the child a stuffed animal and a wooden block to hold
  • Ask which one is soft 
  • Ask which one is hard
  • Discover other hard and soft items in the home for the child to touch and say if the item is soft
  • Month 7 Activity 17, Activity 18, and Activity 19 are sense of touch activities


To learn about the sense of touch, play a touch game. Begin by blindfolding the child. Very lightly tap the child on various appropriate parts of his body and let him tell you where on his body you touched him. For example forehead, cheek, little finger, ear, big toe, etc.

Kids love to trade places with an adult.  This time you wear the blindfold and let the child tap you on various places on your body.


Read this book to learn more about the sense of touch or watch/listen to the book "I Can Touch" by Julie Murray



Are there places on your body that other people should not touch without your permission?

What is the softest item you have ever touched?


  • 2 glasses or cups (plastic always best for young children)
  • stuffed animal
  • wooden block
  • Language Skills
  • Math & Science Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills