Sorting colored crayons
Month 5 · Activity 9 · Colors
- Write down with black or appropriate color crayon, the color words orange, red, blue, yellow on matching colored paper
- Give a child a container of crayons and let them sort crayons onto the correct color of paper
Presort the crayons by only having the colors orange, red, blue, and yellow available to the child
Encourage the child to write the color words on the correct color paper. You can spell the words for the child to write or write on paper for a child to copy.
Often this activity will bring up the concept of different "shades" of colors. Help them sort the different shades of orange, red, blue, and yellow on the correct paper too!
Can you find an item that has the colors red and blue? How about finding an item that is orange and yellow?
What color of pajamas would you like to wear and why?
- orange, red, blue, yellow construction paper
- a container of assorted crayons - old, broken, whatever you have
- Motor Skills
- Problem Solving Skills