Wordless books "Beach Ball" or "Wave" and stargazing
Month 7 · Activity 7 · Numbers
- Wordless books “Beach Ball” by Peter Sis or "Wave" by Suzy Lee or Read/Listen to "Wave"
- Have a child place on five index cards or small paper plates 1 to 5 star stickers. You will need 15 stickers. ( you can draw the stars also or use a star ink stamp)
- Quickly flash the card and let the child say the number of stars without counting each star
- This is a quick game to review the numbers 1 to 5
The goal is for a child to visually see the number of stars without counting and state that number aloud. If child needs to touch and count the stars to be successful that is fine. Practice holding up the different cards multiple times and see if the child begins to recognize how many stars are on the cards quickly and without counting.
Flash the cards to the child VERY quickly for them to tell you how many stars are on the card.
Enjoy the wordless books "Beach Ball" and/or "Wave" by each of you telling different stories about the pictures on the page. Encourage your child to share his storytelling of the pictures before the adult shares their story.
You are at the beach. What is the first thing you do?
Would you rather be an artist or a musician and why?
- Wordless books "Beach Ball" by Peter Sis or "Wave" by Suzy Lee or Read/Listen to "Wave"
- five index cards or small paper plates
- 15 star stickers/or can draw stars on the cards
Activity Resources
Language Skills
Math & Science Skills
Problem Solving Skills