Counting and sense of touch activitiy
Month 7 · Activity 6 · Numbers
- Ask the child to count aloud while touching five objects of their choosing (desk, couch, chair, magazine, cup, etc.) For example, when touching a desk the child says one, when touching a couch the child says two, touching a chair the child says three, touching a magazine the child says four and touching a cup the child says five
- Review by with asking the child to touch one object, then two objects, three objects, four objects, etc.
Begin with touching only two objects for the child to count.
Turn this activity into a memory game by having the adult touch three objects. Next, the child touches the objects in the same order. Now try four objects and let the child touch the objects in the same order. Proceed with five objects or more until child is unable to recall the order of the objects. Remember to end the game with a series of touching objects that the child is able to remember.
Share with me five things you ate today.
What is a favorite thing you love to touch and why?
- various objects of child's choosing
Language Skills
Math & Science Skills
Problem Solving Skills
On the Go Activity