
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

S & V

Song "A - You're Adorable" and letters S & V activity

Month 7 · Activity 4 ·   Letters  


  • Draw the letter in the air, on a child's back, and on paper
  • Ask a child to make the letter S with their body 
  • Share the sound of S
  • Time how long a child can make the S sound
  • Time how long an adult can make the S sound
  • Draw the letter V in the air, on a child's back, and on paper
  • Ask a child to make the letter V with their body
  • Share the sound of V
  • Time how long a child can make the V sound
  • Time how long an adult can make the V sound 
  • Listen to song “A - You’re Adorable” by Perry Como or Watch/Listen here Classic Sesame Street


Watch this fun video to learn the letter V


Here is an idea of how to make a vulture using the letter V.  Encourage the child to be creative in making their own letter V vulture.   Ask the child what animal names begin with the letter V (vulture, viper, vole, vampire bat) 


What is something you own that is valuable to you? What letter sound is at the beginning of valuable?

What makes you feel brave? 


  • Language Skills