K, X, Z
Learn and watch videos about animals whose names begin with the letters K, X, and Z; making letters using straws
Month 12 · Activity 4 · Letters
- Ask child to think of an animal that begins with K - kangaroo, kitty, etc.
- Find picture of an animal beginning with K and put into binder ( Easy way to find pictures is to type “Free pictures of animals” in internet search engine)
- Learn about a green kakapo bird here
- Ask child to think of an animal that begins with Z - zebra, zorilla, zebu, (etc.)
- Find picture of an animal beginning with Z and put into binder
- Watch the filming of a zebra shark here
- Ask child to think of an animal that begins with X - xantus, xantis, xenoopus, etc. (not too many!)
- Find picture of an animal beginning with X and put into binder
- Watch the bird xenops move in a tree here
- Using straws - full and half straws - ask child to make the letters K X and Z.
*Old newspapers and magazines are a great alternative to using the internet to find pictures or let child draw his own picture
Make a K using straws and let child copy next to adult's K. Now try again with making an X and allow child to copy and then finally a Z. Place straws on a towel so they won't roll.
- INYW? binder
- internet/computer/printer (optional)
- old magazines, newspapers
- 12 large drinking straws (6 for adult, 6 for child)
- scissors
Language Skills
Motor Skills
Problem Solving Skills