Practicing shapes and movement
Month 11 · Activity 3 · Shapes
- You will need 7 folded sheets of newspaper (or large sheets of paper) and a brown marker
- Ask child to draw a big shape on each of the newspapers - rectangle, square, heart, circle, star, oval, and triangle.
- Ask child to spread the newspaper shapes all over a room or outside
- Ask child to move to a shape with the following motions: (if child doesn’t know the motion teach them)
- Crawl on your belly to the circle; hop on two feet to the triangle; skip to the oval; gallop to the rectangle; walk backwards to the circle; walk on tip toe to the star; hop on right foot to the heart, crawl on hands and knees to square, etc.
Have child place hand over your hand when drawing the shapes on the newspapers. Remember to repeat the name of each shape as you are drawing the shape.
You can turn into a matching game by using 14 sheets of newspaper and making two copies of each shape. Place shapes in a large area and have child do a motion between the two matching shapes. For example, crawl on your belly between the two circle shapes or hop on two feet between the two triangle shapes.
- 7 folded sheets of newspaper or large sheets of plain paper
- brown marker
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Motor Skills
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