The Alphabet
Developing performance skills with fingerplay/song "The Alphabet Song"
Month 5 · Activity 26 · Surprise
- Together with child watch Patti Labelle sing The Alphabet Song
- Set up a stage (stool, special rug, step on stairs, etc.) and ask the child to take the stage
- Let child sing/say/perform the alphabet to the audience (it can be just you)
- Please remember to give lots of encouragement with clapping at the end of the performance
- A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Sing the alphabet song with your child with both of you pretending to be on the stage
Encourage the child to say an alphabet letter and a word that begins with the letter sound. For example, A - apple, B - ball, C - cat, etc.
How many letters are in the alphabet? (26)
Name all of your favorite letters
- 'mock' stage (rug, stool, top of stairs, etc.)
- Watch/Listen The Alphabet Song by Patti Labelle
Language Skills
Social Skills
Problem Solving Skills
On the Go Activity