
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

Making Bed

Part 2 : Learning responsibility - reasons for clean sheets

Month 10 · Activity 25 ·   Lifeskills  


  • Share with a child why clean sheets are necessary since we sleep almost 1/3 of our lives
  • We are each responsible for our health and having a clean sleeping environment helps to get rid of germs
  • If possible look at a "dirty" pillowcase with a magnifying glass or under a microscope
  • Explain that beds can have dust mites - microscopic bugs that eat dead skin cells
  • Sheets can get dirty with natural body oils, dirt, perspiration, and crumbs if food is eaten in bed
  • Once a week, beds should have clean sheets
  • Together with a child remove dirty sheets from bed and place in laundry basket
  • Show how to place sheets into washing machine - nothing but sheets and pillowcases should be in the load
  • Add detergent and choose hot water for washing.  Dry completely in dryer or outside in sunshine
  • A mattress pad should be over the mattress - launder when necessary (weekly or at least monthly)
  • Practice making the bed together using clean sheets
  • Add the bottom sheet - if fitted pull over all 4 corners.  If a flat sheet, review how to create a hospital corner for bottom corners.  Smooth out the wrinkles.
  • Add the top sheet making a hospital corner at the 2 corners at the foot of the bed
  • Add a blanket, duvet or bedspread to cover the bed
  • Add the pillows to the top of the bed
  • Children who bathe and wash hair often, sleep in clean pajamas, and have no toilet accidents should have clean sheets weekly
  • When a child is ill, explain sheets should be washed daily (pillowcase for sure) to keep germs away
  • This is a lifelong responsible habit that is easily taught by example at a young age


  • child's bed
  • laundry basket
  • washing machine
  • Math & Science Skills
  • Motor Skills
  • Social Skills