
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

Brushing Teeth

Listen to song "Teeth" and creating a mouth collage 

Month 9 · Activity 25 · Lifeskills  


  • Look at calendar together and review any special dates - birthday or events - to put on the calendar for this month.
  • Have child place a check mark on the calendar for each day he brushes teeth for the month
  • Click to listen to song Teeth by Willa Brigham while making this collage. 
  • Give child magazines and let them find pictures of mouths to cut out and paste on large sheet of paper
  • After a collage of mouths has been made, chat about how the teeth look
  • Let child think of reasons the teeth look healthy - they brush at least twice a day, they eat healthy snacks and food (celery and carrot snacks, calcium-rich foods including milk, yogurt, and cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables) they floss, visit a dentist, rinse mouths, etc.


If cutting is too difficult, let child tear out the pictures of mouths


Introduce child to the scientific method using eggs for a teeth experiment. Click here

Make a mouth craft with mini marshmellows -  instructions here


1. Do you know how many teeth are in your mouth? Can you count them? (Most children have first set of teeth by age 3. There are 20 teeth in all. At age 5 or 6 these teeth start falling out)

2. What would you rather have - white teeth or yellow teeth and why?


  • Language Skills
  • Motor Skills
  • Social Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills