Body Parts
Using fingerplay "Touch Your Nose" to learn body parts and memorization skills
Month 2 · Activity 25 · Lifeskills
- Teach the fingerplay “Touch your nose”
Touch your nose, Touch your chin; That’s the way this game begins.
Touch your eyes, Touch your knees; Now pretend you’re going to sneeze.
Touch your hair, Touch one ear; Touch your two red lips right here.
Touch your elbows where they bend,
That’s the way this touch game ends.
When saying fingerplay, point to a body part and let the child fill in the name of the part. For example,
Touch your ?
(don't say nose just point to nose and let the child say the word nose)
Touch your ?
(don't say chin just point to chin and let the child say the word chin)
That’s the way this game begins.
Continue with touching eyes, knees, hair, ear, lips, and elbows and letting the child fill in the proper body part.
Encourage the child to memorize the fingerplay and recite for a friend or family member.
When you think about your body, do you have a favorite body part?
Have you ever felt uncomfortable when someone touches you or gives you a hug? Can you tell me when this happened and who was with you?
- Fingerplay "Touch your Nose"
Language Skills
Motor Skills
Problem Solving Skills
On the Go Activity