
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

Learning Phone Numbers

Memorizing an important phone number

Month 7 · Activity 24 · Lifeskills  


  • Say phone number (home, cell, office, etc.) you want the child to remember aloud
  • Let child repeat the phone number - begin with area code and then the next 7 digits
  • Write the phone number on a whiteboard/chalkboard/paper
  • Let child copy the phone number under the numbers you wrote on the whiteboard
  • Write phone number again but erase one number
  • Let the child fill in the missing number, always saying aloud the missing number 
  • Repeat for each of the numbers 


Learning a phone number is a necessary part of being prepared for an emergency.  Begin with memorizing just the area code.  Add the next three digits in the next few days.  Finally, add the final four digits.  Remember to review this information once it is learned


Using a toy or inactive phone, let the child dial or punch in the numbers in the correct order.  


Why should you know a phone number that puts you in contact with your parents?

What would be an emergency and a reason to call your parents if they weren't with you?


  • whiteboard/chalkboard/paper
  • whiteboard markers/chalk/pencil
  • Language Skills
  • Math & Science Skills
  • Motor Skills
  • Social Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills