Outside Day
Enjoying and using the outdoors
Month 6 · Activity 22 · Nature/Science
- Plan a day (or part of a day) to spend outside
- Do as many normal activities outside as possible - read a book, eat a picnic, wash toys and bikes, draw with sidewalk chalk, take a walk, blow bubbles, etc.
- If possible, plan an outdoor event for a later date - play date at the park, zoo field trip, go to pool or beach, window shop in town’s stores, use a ball field to kick or throw balls, etc. Place date on the calendar.
- Watch a sunrise (upper edge of the sun appears in the East) and a sunset (sun disappears below the horizon in the West)
- Notice when you are outside where the sun is in the sky during the day, how the wind blows, what animals are seen, etc.
- Mark on a calendar the days you have played/walked outside- try to make this a weekly or daily event!
Chat about how you feel when you are outside. Are you excited, warm, full of energy, etc?
Check the sunrise and notice where the sun appears in the sky. Is it between two trees, next to a building, etc? In a few months, check the sunrise again - did it come up in the same place between the two trees or next to a building? Chat about how the earth moves and that is why the sunrise is in a different spot.
Tell me how you would like to spend an entire day outside.
When you wake up in the morning to when you go to bed at night, does the time go quickly or slowly, and why?
- outdoor environment
- clear day to observe sunrise and sunset
Math & Science Skills