
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

 Map and Globe

Introducing a map and globe

Month 4 · Activity 22 · Nature/Science  


  • Show a child a map of the world
  • Find where you live on the map.  Share that the blue color means water
  • Show a child a globe of the earth
  • Find where you live on the globe.  Share that the blue color means water
  • Find any similar shapes on the map and the globe
  • Here is a video to watch to learn about globes


If all the blue means water, what else is show on a map or globe? (land)  Looking at the globe/map is there more water(blue) or land?  70% of the earth is covered with water.


When a child recognizes that blue means water on a map or globe, work together to find the three largest bodies of water.  The Pacific Ocean is the largest, then the Atlantic, and finally the Indian Ocean.


Is there someplace special you would like to live and why?

What are some things you can learn by using a globe?


  • Language Skills
  • Math & Science Skills