Nature Tic-Tac-Toe
Playing game "tic-tac-toe" with items from nature
Month 3 · Activity 22 · Nature/Science
- Make the game board drawing 2 vertical lines and 2 horizontal lines or use sticks for lines
- Use rocks, shells, pinecones, acorns, or some other item from nature to use as X’s and O’s
- One player uses shells and other player rocks or similar idea
- Review how to play tic-tac-toe and alternate turns until one player gets three objects in a row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal)
Play five different games and see who wins the most. Teach a child to congratulate the winner as they begin to learn about sportsmanship
When you play games, do you like to win or lose, and why?
If you could pick anyone to play a game with you, who would that be and why?
- dirt/sand or four sticks (optional)
- two sets of five rocks, shells, pinecones, acorns, or some other item from nature to use as X’s and O’s
Math & Science Skills
Problem Solving Skills