
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

"One Hammer" Fingerplay (Fine Motor)

Using a fingerplay for active play

Month 3 · Activity 21 · Physical Activity  


  • Show a child a hammer, play or real, and chat about the purpose of this tool and why you would need a hammer (optional)
  • Teach child this fingerplay using the actions, “Peter Uses One Hammer”; watch video here 

Peter Uses One Hammer

Peter (use child’s name) hammers with one hammer, one hammer, one hammer
Peter hammers with one hammer all day long (tap fist on the floor)

Pater hammers with two hammers, two hammers, two hammers, (tap both fists on the floor) Peter hammers with two hammers all day long.

Peter hammers with three hammers, three hammers, three hammers, (tap both fists on the floor and add one foot tapping on the floor) Peter hammers with three hammers all day long.

Peter hammers with four hammers, four hammers, four hammers, (tap both fists on the floor and add both feet tapping on the floor) Peter hammers with four hammers all day long.

Peter hammers with five hammers, five hammers, five hammers, (tap both fists and both feet on the floor and nod your head up and down)  Peter hammers with five hammers

And then he goes to sleep.



What types of jobs use hammers?

Do you hope to be a parent someday and why or why not?


  • Fingerplay  “Peter Uses One Hammer”  Watch video here
  • hammer - small plastic/wooden child size (optional)
  • Language Skills
  • Motor Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • On the Go Activity