Playground Visits (Gross Motor)
Participating in verbally directed obstacle course
Month 5 · Activity 20 · Physical Activity
- Make every effort this month for playground visits
- Use swings to practice leg pumping, slides for climbing ladders, teeter totters, etc.
- Say aloud an obstacle course for child to follow:
- Run to slide
- Walk backwards to sandbox
- Touch slide with your elbow
- Put your right foot in the sandbox, etc.
Limit your oral directions to two or three directions at a time so child can remember and do the activity in the order given.
No playground handy then find open space in a field, parking lot, etc. and bring a few items - jump rope, ball, bike, etc. to create your own obstacle course. For example, run to the jump rope, jump with the rope 3 times, pick up the ball and bounce 4 times, run back to the adult and say the alphabet.
For better physical benefit, use directions that use the whole playground. Encourage child to take on the role of deciding what the obstacle course will be and saying it aloud before he attempts to do all the activities
When you invite a friend over to play, do you like to play together outside or inside and why?
Can you name three friends that you feel are the most fun to play with and why?
- playground with numerous play equipment
Motor Skills
Social Skills