Music Dancing (Gross Motor)
Dance time! Use songs “An Die Schonen, Blauen Donau - Walzer Op. 314” and “Love Grows One by One”
Month 4 · Activity 20 · Physical Activity
- Put on music from this month, previous months or other music to move around the room using whole body
- Here are two selections to use: “An Die Schonen, Blauen Donau - Walzer Op. 314” or watch/listen to this video and “Love Grows One by One” or watch/listen to this video
- Give a child a scarf or piece of crepe paper to move with the music
- Have dance time with the whole family
Fun activity to share together - let the rythmn of the song dictate your moves; there is no right or wrong move!
Encourage the child to choreograph a dance routine to a favorite song and perform for the family when finished.
Would you rather listen to music or be in a quiet room and why?
What instrument would you like to learn to play and why?
- Music - your choice or these songs are good for dancing
- An Die Schonen, Blauen Donau-Walzer Op.314 by Johann Strauss or watch video here
- "Love Grows One by One" by Priscilla Herdman or watch video here
- scarf/long piece of crepe paper
Activity Resources
- Social Skills