Jump Rope Fun (Gross Motor)
Month 12 · Activity 20 · Physical Activities
- Take a long jump rope and place on the floor
- Here are some activities using different skills for the jump rope:
- Pretend the jump rope is a board over a river and walk on the jump rope over the river - keeping feet and toes on the jump rope
- Have child walk slowly on one side of rope. When you clap child jumps to other side of rope and walks. Repeat
- Place the jump rope into a circle shape and walk on the rope
- Jump from outside the rope circle to inside the circle proceeding around the circle
- Hop on right foot from outside the circle to inside the circle proceeding around the circle. Repeat using left foot.
- Jump into circle backwards, then jump out of the circle forward and proceed around the circle
- Have child lie down on his back inside the circle and raise up legs and pump like a bicycle while counting aloud to 10. Repeat but count backwards from 10.
This is another fun activity that child can create his own actions with the jump rope. Encourage child to find a multitude of actions on ways to interact with the jump rope
- jump rope
Motor Skills