First Name
Finding and cutting out letters
Month 3 · Activity 1 · Name Activity
- Gather together magazines and newspapers
- Together write the child’s name on a red sheet of paper
- Remember to use an uppercase or capital letter for the first letter and lower case letters for the remaining letters in child's name - Debi
- Let child find each letter of their name in a magazine/newspaper/stickers and cut out using scissors
- Glue the letters of their name under their written name on the red sheet of paper
If using scissors is to difficult, encourage child to tear out the letters in their name from newspapers and magazines
Have the child point to first letter in their name and then the last letter in their name. Ask how many letters are in their name.
How would you describe yourself to your friends?
If you could give yourself a different name, what would it be and why?
- magazines/newspapers/alphabet stickers
- red paper
- pencil/crayon
- scissors (click here to purchase)
Language Skills
Social Skills
Problem Solving Skills