
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

 First Name

Playing game "I Spy" to identify letters in name

Month 2 · Activity 1 ·   Name Activity  


  • Write each letter of child’s name on a different index card
  • For example, with name Elissa use 6 cards E - l - i - s - s - a 
  • Play I SPY
  • Mix up the cards with letters right side up and say,  “I spy with my little eye the letter  "i”
  • Let child “spy” and find the letter “i” and pick up the card to place in front of him
  • Next, the adult says, “I spy with my little eye the letter “a”
  • Let child “spy” and find the letter “a” and pick up the card and place in front of him also
  • Continue until all letters in the child’s name are chosen
  • Guide child to place the letters in the correct order for their name
  • Variations:  

   I spy the first letter of your name

   I spy the last letter of your name

   I spy the letter that makes the “s” sound

   I spy a letter that makes the first sound in the word “lion”, etc.


Write child's name on paper as a guide and place the index card letters on top of the letters in child's name on the paper as they "spy" each letter 


Use other family names, ( grandma, dad, etc.) street name, city name, teacher’s name, etc.  Use the last name of the child after you have played using their first name. Use for spelling words with older children


What can you tell me about your favorite toy?

How many letters are in your name?


  • Language Skills
  • Social Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills