Make a Card
Child created greeting card
Month 4 · Activity 18 · Art
Children need to be encouraged to share their emotions. You can make a special card for someone you love any day of the year.
- Make a greeting card for someone the child loves
- Let the child choose red, blue, or yellow construction paper as the base of their card
- Get out the “art” box and let the child be creative with crayons, stickers, glue, scissors, etc.
- Write the word love somewhere on the card
- Encourage the child to write their own name on the card
- Be sure and let the child give the card to the recipient or place in the mail together
Have a card/paper with the word "Love" available to be copied by a child onto their card
Have a card/paper with their name written for them to copy onto the card. Use an upper case first letter and lower case letters for the remaining letters in their name.
Allowing a child to choose from available material options, helps with their thinking skills. An art box filled with a wide variety of scraps and art supplies encourages a child to make choices.
Can you name some people who love you? Why do you think they love you?
If you do something that is bad, do your mom and dad still love you?
- red, blue or yellow construction paper
- art box (container with crayons, glue, stickers, scissors, colored paper, etc.)
Motor Skills
Social Skills
Problem Solving Skills