Friend Puzzle
Creating a puzzle to give as a gift
Month 11 · Activity 18 · Art
- Next time one of your child’s friends is over take a picture of them together
- Enlarge the picture (can be done on plain paper) and together adhere the back of the picture to a decorated sheet of contact paper
- Cover the front of the picture with clear contact paper
- On the decorated side of contact paper, draw lines with marker making 5 to 10 puzzle pieces
- Next, cut the picture into the puzzle pieces
- Package up the puzzle in a plastic bag, box or envelope and let child give to his friend
- Chat about why your child likes this friend - how do you feel when you are around him, what type of activities can you do together, etc.
Make only a 3 or 4 piece puzzle to be cut out.
Make and cut the puzzle into 10 or more pieces.
- permanent marker
- enlarged picture of child with a friend(s)
- patterned contact paper
- clear contact paper
- scissors
- gift bag/box (optional)
Language Skills
Math & Science Skills
Motor Skills
Social Skills
Problem Solving Skills