
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

 Edible Bracelet

Teaching color patterns with cereal and finger dexterity

Month 2 · Activity 18 ·   Art  


  • You will need a long pipe cleaner and round fruit-flavored colored cereal (Fruit Loops, Cheerios, etc.)
  • Encourage the child to string the cereal onto the pipe cleaner
  • Together count 4 purple cereal pieces and add to a pipe cleaner
  • Together count 8 yellow cereal pieces and add to a pipe cleaner
  • They can make up a pattern - blue, purple, green, orange and repeat until pipe cleaner is full
  • Wear pipe cleaner bracelet on wrist and child can have a snack anytime


If manipulating the pipe cleaner is difficult, place one of the ends of the pipe cleaner into a ball of play dough or into the bottom of a styrofoam cup turned upside down.


Make a pattern of cereal pieces on a separate pipe cleaner and see if the child can duplicate the pattern.



Would this bracelet make a nice gift for a friend? Why or why not?

Where does cereal come from?


  • Math & Science Skills
  • Motor Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills