
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.

Strawberry Slush

Creating a yummy frozen treat

Month 7 · Activity 16 ·   Cooking  


Have a child measure the three ingredients and place in a blender:


8 ounces of frozen strawberries

8 ounces of apple juice

8 ice cubes

  • Blend until slushy
  • Enjoy for a snack or with a meal


Use a one-ounce measurement (measuring cup, shot glass) and let the child count-out the measurement 8 times for strawberries and 8 times for apple juice when putting into the blender. Encourage the child to count out the 8 ice cubes also.


Chat about appliances and why they help in the kitchen.  Today, we are using a blender but can you name other appliances that help in the kitchen - toaster, mixer, waffle maker, etc.  If we don't have a blender, what can we do to make the Strawberry Slush?



Why is it important to learn to make our own food?

What is your favorite drink and can you describe the taste?


  • blender
  • 8 ounces fresh/frozen strawberries
  • 8 ounces apple juice
  • 8 ice cubes
  • glass for serving
  • Math & Science Skills
  • Motor Skills
  • Social Skills