Long, Little, Short, Small
Creating long and short cereal trains
Month 9 · Activity 14 · Target Words
- You will need small round cereal (Cheerios, Fruit Loops, etc.) and 3 pipe cleaners
- Make a short “train” using 3 or 4 cereal pieces on the pipe cleaner
- Explain that this is a short train. Ask the child to make it into a long train. Give them time to think about how they can make the train long
- With a second pipe cleaner make a long train with 8 or 9 cereal pieces on the pipe cleaner
- Explain that this is a long train. Ask the child to make it into a short train.
- Give the third pipe cleaner to the child and ask them to make a train longer than the other two pipe cleaner trains
- Take turns making long and short cereal trains
Just putting the cereal pieces on the pipe cleaner can be a challenge for a child. Have an adult make a short and long train and ask a child which is short and which is long. Ask the child to remove all the cereal from each of the trains as this is easier than making the cereal train.
Ask the child to make a train using three cereal pieces and another train using eight cereal pieces. Ask the child which is longer and which is shorter. Ask the child to make the three-piece train longer than the eight-piece train. Have fun creating different length trains and chat about which train is longer or shorter.
Tell me about a time when you had to wait a long time.
Would you rather have a short storytime or a short bath and share why?
- small round cereal (Cheerios, Fruit Loops etc...)
- 3 pipe cleaners
Activity Resources
Language Skills
Motor Skills
Problem Solving Skills