Reading "The Monster At The End of This Book" and give positive reinforcement
Month 7 · Activity 13 · Character Traits
- Give a child positive reinforcement when playing nicely or behaving well. Positive reinforcement or praise is given when deserved.
- Give a real compliment and explain why the compliment is being given. For example, “The way you picked up your toys the first time I asked, makes me very happy and now we have time to do something extra.”
- Try for a compliment each day
- Read the book “the Monster at the end of this Book" by Jon Stone or Read/Listen here
Have the child actually do the turning of the pages in the book "the Monster at the end of this Book".
Have two boxes/baskets/containers and make one of them pretty with a ribbon or other decorations and name it your "Respect" box The second box/basket/container should be old and in need of repair and named "Disrespect". Encourage the child to find items in the house that would show respect: toy that is in good condition, a new looking book, piece of clothing that is without stains or rips, etc. and put in the "Respect" box. Now have the child find items to put in the "Disrespect" box: a book with torn pages, a toy that is broken, clothing with stains or rips, stuffed animal missing a part, a game that doesn't have all the pieces, etc. Chat about showing respect to others and to property.
Chat about what a child thinks are monsters and what they look like. Ask what types of objects or people make a child happy. Ask what types of objects or people make a child scared or afraid. Talk about what things are real (thunder, sirens, etc.) and things that aren't (monsters, fairies, etc.)
Can you tell me some names of people who you respect and why?
Do you have a favorite toy or stuffed animal and do you treat it differently than your other toys and why?
- Book "the Monster at the end of this Book" by Jon Stone or Read/Listen here
Activity Resources
- Social Skills
- Problem Solving Skills