Self Control
Practicing self control
Month 10 · Activity 12 · Character Traits
- Place 10 white jelly beans, 10 sliced pieces of jicama, or white miniature marshmallows in front of child at a table (choose an item that would be a treat to child)
- Tell child they can have 1 jelly bean/jicama/marshmallow now OR they can have all of them if they wait 5 minutes sitting at the table
- If they wait 5 minutes you will also read an extra story now or at bedtime
- If they agree to wait, set a timer for 5 minutes (or less) and leave child at table
- Watch discretely and see what happens
- If child makes it for all 5 minutes, chat about how they now receive all the jellybeans/jicama/marshmallows and have an extra story
- If child fell short of the 5 minutes praise them for their effort - but no jelly beans, marshmallows or story as they need to learn about consequences
* We based this activity on this well-known laugh out loud "Marshmallow Study". Watch it here
The original "marshmallow test" was at Stanford University in the 1960's. The time was 15 to 20 minutes of waiting for a four year old. Here is a summary of the test.
- 10 white jellybeans/slices of jicama/ or mini marshmallows
- story (optional)
Math & Science Skills
Social Skills
Problem Solving Skills